Project Description

The EUSL-ENERGY project will, in a unique, not yet explored, way, address the challenge, and turn this into an opportunity, of creating an excellent educational program within the energy transition sector, so far not existing in the targeted emerging economic country (Sri Lanka), while (i) taking into account the circular economy towards a de-carbonized energy system including raw materials and waste, and (ii) allowing students to follow it through local universities in collaboration with EU partner universities, (ii) utilizing a modern repository thinking for shareware learning units, (iv) a modern distribution mechanism for courses, while (v) considering aspects continuously demanded by industry like innovation and entrepreneurship and "21stcentury skills" of various kind. As such the positive contemporary pedagogical methodology of digital education, with the high-level input of well renowned EU universities, is combined with a “classical on-campus” environment at a local university. This combination is expected to result insignificantly enhanced and extended education compared with what a “local university” by itself Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education – Joint Projects"EUSL-Energy" or an “off-shore” branch of a "western" university can offer, at the same time as it offers also considerable capacity building for the staff (faculty and administrative) at the local university.